Treatment for all diseases & various Sexual Dysfunctions / Oligospermia. No massage therapy done here.Only ayurvedic medicines prescribed with counselling. No physical examination is mandatory except in case of any damage or an abnormality in the organs. One time Registration fees Rs 500 /- valid for 4 visits or up to 6 months which one will be earlier. >>>CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT (APPOINTMENT ONLY VIA PHONE) AT OUR CLINIC / OUR CLINIC SCHEDULE ADJUSTS REGULARLY / IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST VISIT THEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CALL Dr Padarabind Patra @ 9861136140 / 9439060954 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOUR VISIT, THAT WE COULD OFFER YOU A SUITABLE TIME FOR CONSULTATION ACCORDING TO OUR CLINIC HOURS......THANK YOU